“Ours is a brand-new world of all-at-once-ness.’Time’ has ceased, ‘space’ has vanished. We now live in a ‘global village’…a simultaneous happening. Information pours upon us, instantaneously and continuously. As soon as information is acquired, it is very rapidly replaced by still newer information”.

Marshall McLuhan,1967.The Medium is the Massage, Toronto: Random House.

'The media is the message.'
Marshall McLuhan, 1964, Understanding media. New York, Toronto, McGraw-Hill

"As gimmick, the machine is useful. As object, as companion, as environment-shaper, it is magical. Marx was right to that extent. He saw that the machine would necessarily transform human feeling and sensibility. It would change habits of association and work. It would re-structure one's idea of the world and of oneself. It was the revolution."
Marshall McLuhan,
May, 1954.Poetry and Society, Poetry Magazine, Volume 84, No.2, p.95.

‘In order to make anything noticeable you have to yank it out of its original context.’

The McLuhan Estate, 2020.Picnic in space. Marshallmcluhan.com.
Available at URL: https://www.marshallmcluhan.com/films/ (Accessed: 06/12/2020)

‘The new electronic independence re-creates the world in the image of a global village.’

McLuhan, M.1962. The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man. University of Toronto Press, Toronto, Canada.

‘Today, after more than a century of electric technology, we have extended our central nervous system itself in a global embrace, abolishing both space and time as far as our planet is concerned.’

McLuhan, M.1964. Understanding Media: The Extensions of Man. Publisher: McGraw-Hill, New York, Toronto.

‘We live invested in an electric information environment that is quite as imperceptible to us as water is to fish.’

McLuhan, M. 1969. Counterblast. McClelland and Stewart. Toronto, Canada.

‘When information overload occurs, pattern recognition is how we determine the truth.’

McLuhan, M. 1969. Counterblast. McClelland and Stewart. Toronto, Canada.